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Secret SMS - Protect your private messages! 1.1 - App Store

About Secret SMS - Protect your private messages!

Secret SMS is the ultimate way to have a private conversation using text messages/SMS. The app will securely encrypt your messages exchanged between iPhones and protects them from prying eyes with a secure pattern...

Secret SMS is the ultimate way to have a private conversation using text messages/SMS. The app will securely encrypt your messages exchanged between iPhones and protects them from prying eyes with a secure pattern lockscreen or PIN entry screen. Your private messages will never been seen again! Features: Pattern lockscreen to secure the app Numeric PIN-code lockscreen Secure encryption iPhone SMS/iMessage integration Simple and easy to use What people are saying - "Amazing app, now I don't have to worry about my parents invading my social life!" - "Cool app! Love how I can how txt my mates in private" - "A long time coming... the encryption is brilliant" == Notes == iMessage is a trademark of Apple, Inc. Messages exchanged are charged at your standard carrier rate.

Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Secret SMS - Protect your private messages! since it was posted on our website on 2016-09-27 01:50:05. The latest version is 1.1 and it was updated on 2024-04-22 12:15:05. See below the changes in each version.

Secret SMS - Protect your private messages! version 1.1
Updated At: 2012-02-17

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Official App Store Link

We do not host Secret SMS - Protect your private messages! on our servers. We did not scan it for viruses, adware, spyware or other type of malware. This app is hosted by Apple and passed their terms and conditions to be listed there. We recommend caution when installing it.

The App Store link for Secret SMS - Protect your private messages! is provided to you by apps112.com without any warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind, so access it at your own risk.

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Downloads: 4
Updated At: 2024-04-22 12:15:05
Publisher: 57Digital Ltd
Operating System: IOS
License Type: Free Trial